This sounds like a nice introduction to something, or a pre-cursor for a 2nd half. Very enjoyable though, thanks for sharing.
This sounds like a nice introduction to something, or a pre-cursor for a 2nd half. Very enjoyable though, thanks for sharing.
Short sweet and to the point, I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your review.^^
/download. I really enjoyed the ambiance in this. Some of the reverb seemed a bit much at notes, but it could just be me. Thanks for sharing.
I agree this is a simple song, but it's not too shabby. If you ever get bored, I'd recommend upping the tempo a bit and seeing what you think. It sounds just a little too slow. Something like 5 or 10 BPM may make all the difference.
This is itching for a heavier version, but perhaps I think that too much. Isn't venus supposed to be more female oriented than male? Your tags suggest otherwise :p
I'm already cheating by putting the kick and percussion in a feedback loop to beef them up disproportionally, not to mention these puppies have just three sound channels and one channel for static, i'm using a wrap around channel function to fake a fifth channel here though it's really still just the static one.
The philosophical attributions to planets i find distinct from ye olde scifi depictions, venus should naturally have hard men though we may concoct a scenario in which they're actually reaching said heights due to an opressive matriarchy? Or perhaps they are in fact raiding amazons and they take men for slaves?
It's along the lines of mars supposedly allways needing women, that's racist yo :D
I'm not really sure what to say, other than I enjoyed listening to this. It's easy to leave this on in the background whilst doing other things. Thanks for sharing.
No problem sir :)
This sounds like the concept sketch, or a prelude, to something dark and menacing. Thanks for sharing.
This is a solid piece. I thought it a bit weird from 2:30 - 2:50, but the rest of it is worth a listen. Thanks for sharing.
Everyone, grab a pitchfork and come with me!
Plan Slowly, Execute Quickly. Don't Think, Just Dance.
The Deep
Joined on 10/6/12