I certainly can't argue with the structure and flow of the piece.
I certainly can't argue with the structure and flow of the piece.
Thanks :)
Right on! This fits right in with your overall motif of ambient tracks. I particularly like the slightly-percussive bass in this. This is one of those pieces you can set to loop, go off and do something and it blends right in. Thanks for sharing.
Sure thing ^^
Thanks for your comment.
Holy Catchy Loop! This Reminds me of Mega Man, Nostalgia Time!
Haha yeah! Like I could see a speed-based Mega Man-like game where this was the only song. Like "Warning, beat this game in less than 3 minutes or the score will distort your brain." lol
Not enough hardstyle around here.
I like some of the sounds in here, and less the composition itself. Thanks for posting though, especially the 1:52-2:04 part.
Entropy. Embrace it.
This just might be my favourite of yours thus far. From 1:01-1:23 I just turn my volume up and enjoy. Nicely done.
Plan Slowly, Execute Quickly. Don't Think, Just Dance.
The Deep
Joined on 10/6/12