I agree with the previous reviewer: Good Concept, More Cowbell.
I agree with the previous reviewer: Good Concept, More Cowbell.
Not too shabby. It's soft, and kind of fuzzy. I did like how the track ran out of steam at the end, that was a nice touch.
When I heard 'Dark Ambient' I thought of Lustmord. Regardless, This isn't too shabby. I say deepen your kick [and i mean drop the floor out of it] and you've got yourself a solid project. Keep it up!
Having downloaded this and having enjoyed this numerous times, it is only fitting I declare such here. This remains my favourite work of yours [Nautical Titan in 2nd]. You have done well maintaining complexity without clutter: numerous distinct sounds that maintain their identity. Such a task is not always easy and I am happy to see works that accomplish such.
I don't know what to say really, this piece has to be in my top ten of things posted here i've grown to hate more as time goes by.
It's like i'm trying to tell a story by arranging grains of rice with my hands in boxing gloves, if that makes any sense.
You have some promising sounds here, and I understand it says "Practice Track." | I hope you take these lessons learned in this project and actually make something a) longer, b) more diverse and c) more melodic. | Your framework is developing, expand on it!
Just curious: what was the inspiration behind this one?
The illusion of speed through percussion combined with the illusion of lack of speed through synth was well done. It's ugly when it fails, but it's pretty when it works and it works here.
Nice groovy tune. Parts of this sounded 'compressed.' It would be nice to hear a full out punchy no-holds-barred mix: but is labelled prototype - so I most certainly think you're on to something.
We're ALWAYS on something my friend ^^
/download. Holy Shit, son. To be fair to everyone else: This isn't very Industrial. With that said, I skeptical for the first 12 seconds. Then until :35, I was waiting to see if my opinion was going to change: Yes, sir! I was with you up until 1:22 when the other beeping came in, but the 1:37 bit was nice. It's so short too! Normally I'm fine with short tracks [I'm generally 2-3 minutes each myself] but I just wanted this one to be longer. So 5 Stars from :35-1:22 and fewer for the rest.
Ha, thanks :)
I messed up the project after 1:49, as it started to be Hardcore with some Wobble FX Bass.
Didnt liked that part and it became very repitive for me in that short time,
so it was best (in my opinion) to leave it the way it is.
It may be used as teaser/trailer for some game/flash movie ( if someone's interested :)? )
My choice of Industrial: There has been no "Breakbeat" as genre, too bad :(
We can tell it was rushed, which is a shame. There is promise here if you're willing to go back and maximize the potential of each sound. For 90 minutes though, the foundations are there.
Yeah, I had a spark of an idea, but since I'm currently in the process of writing a project, I'm sort of pressed for time :D Once this whole ordeal is over, I might go back and re-work it, although I'm not altogether fond of doing so. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.
Plan Slowly, Execute Quickly. Don't Think, Just Dance.
The Deep
Joined on 10/6/12