There are some solid sounds here. Nice attacking, pulsing sounds.
There are some solid sounds here. Nice attacking, pulsing sounds.
Well the bassline i made with rp subboombass which i currently have on trial as i'm still on the fence whether i should buy it, though so far it does sound quite nice.
The lead synths i did with rp predator and reason's thor, they pulse cus they're sidechained somewhat agressively.
Glad you like.
"It's getting nice and heavy." We've talked about this one enough for me not to need to repeat everything here. I still could have used more guitar, but that's old news as well. I've added this one to your already considerable playlist.
I pushed FLStudio to its limit. It was sucking up so much CPU that none of the sounds were audible due to static. Also, it wouldn't keep tempo, causing something like a drunken stutter. As cool as that sounds, it just didn't make things better. Although, I may be onto something. Still thinking about multitracking it. Other projects are just as time demanding and I like working on multiple tracks. Its fun to have them borrow from each other. Uniforming the sound I suppose. But it's my uniform.
/download. Your playlist brought me here. Please tell me this one gets revisited at some point. It's enjoyable and could be more. It's ambient but slightly hollow. The depth of writing is not matched by quality of sound - but having heard pieces you've produced post this: I think it can be revived.
I agree. And yes, I've been tinkering with it for the last week or so. It already sounds better but it still isn't quite up to my current standard. I should have an updated version up before too long if the few projects I'm working on now run smoothly.
I enjoyed this, I'll be the minority who admits it. The loop transition isn't quite right but I liked it otherwise. Thanks for posting.
I'm happy you enjoyed it. There's one song that's coming to mind right now that I recommend you check out if you liked this; "Levitation" by Pierre Henry, if you haven't heard it already. He makes a lot of great, unorthodox "Noise Music."
The loop transition is a bit off because the app Nanoloop cuts off a bit of the song when it's exporting, sorry for that :/
/download. /favorite. /repeat. With the exception the highest pitched melody line, this is one of those tracks that truly deserves the 5th star. From 0:00 - 1:07 I was mightily impressed, and then you grabbed me again at 1:52-2:35. I generally love your melodic lines more than your percussion and support work. Not this time, no, Sir. This has sections of solid ground work and if anyone's head remains motionless throughout - Get The @#$% Out. Keep @#$%ing that Chicken, HeartGrinder. MMMM...Pancakes.
I almost feel like I'm in touch with my roots with this and multiple projects soon to be released. I am reborn. I am a completely different monster now.
I credit you to a certain extent. You offer understanding in a world I thought was foreign to me. Advice has been taken to heart and I have prospered. Spiritually, of course. Monetary gain will come later as I find my true self and force feed it to to the masses.
Thank you friend.
/download. I would have liked the percussion to bite a bit more, but over all I like this one. Thanks for posting.
Haha. XD This song was like a boredom thing. I was just doing what ever. But now that you mention it, that would make this sound so bad ass. Thanks for the advice man.
As a concept, I can get behind this. I would recommend going back into this, however, and adding/boosting your percussion. The kick that started around 1:07 in and of itself just didn't do it for me.
Thank you for the advice, and thankfully I saved all of it's files so I could make "repairs" when need.
One day I hope to develop the same talent with melodies and synth lines that you do and when your percussion catches up: your ascension will be complete.
This feels so old to me and I only wrote it last year. But I remember what erratic emotion inspired this track and its Authors Comment up there.
And yes, I 'm no Neil Peart.
Audio Review #100! You Win A Prize. Not sure what it is yet, but something. || I like this track, actually but it's too tame, I'd be curious to hear a heavy "Hate @#$%" Remix or something. I actually like the synth lines the most, even if it is a 'toy guitar.'
This is far from done. And if things go my way, this should be as aggressive as it sounds in your head.
Plan Slowly, Execute Quickly. Don't Think, Just Dance.
The Deep
Joined on 10/6/12