I love listening to your work, it often reminds me of Wax Trax! and why I started listening to Industrial in the first place - that's a good thing.
I love listening to your work, it often reminds me of Wax Trax! and why I started listening to Industrial in the first place - that's a good thing.
I'm no purist when it comes to music. I think the key to great music is an evolving artist. But I am guilty of holding on to the traditional sounds of 80's and early 90's Industrial. I blame my influences.
Welcome to Intermission. | I like this one, thanks for posting.
Thank you.^^
I'm really glad you liked it.
Anyone feel like playing a side-scrolling shooter now, Like Contra? Don't mind me, I get nostalgic and side-tracked. This isn't too shabby though. Isn't it neat when things just happen sometimes?
Well, considering I can only work with midis until I get my hands on something like Sibelius, that tends to what I try for.
Side-scrolling shooters, though... I want to play some now.
I wouldn't label this "dark" but I would otherwise agree that this is electronic and fun. The part that starts around 5:12 makes me wonder...where's the next song!? The transition to the next track sounds pretty interesting.
Thanks for the feedback!
The part around 5:12 is meant as a fadeout, though I would agree that it would be a cool transition to another song, I'll have to try it with something. Thanks for the review and rating, check out some of my other songs and download them if you like!
I'm a few days late, but I disagree with your comment about doubting people liking this one. I think this one has promise, but it sounds like the bottom half of a track: as in it's missing the melody. For what it is, I think it's fine, but I think you could add to it and really turn it into one of your highlights. I'd offer to help, but I KNOW how much you dislike us non-FL users :).
its not about dislike, I just dont feel like exporting each sample one by one :(
I'll vote "yes" to wanting to hear the completed version.
Glad to hear a positive reaction, taken in consideration.
Since I'm not your minion, I guess I can't enjoy this. That's too bad, else I would have wrote something supportive here :) .
Hah! Well thanks for the stars and review anyway. In time you might convert. Let me get better first.
/download. The mesmerizing quality to this is is really well done. I found myself looping this while writing one of my books, it never got old. Adding this to my playlist, well done.
cheers dude it was fun to make glad you enjoyed ;-)
Most of this is well done. Your Gong? right around :37 and :43 just doesn't work. The contrast between it and every other sound in the piece is significant enough for it to draw more attention than it needs to and takes away from that section of the piece as a whole. If you still have the project files, I would recommend a higher quality bell sample to achieve your desired message, and a deeper/punchier kick throughout the rest of the piece. I think this piece has a lot of promise.
Hi Anchorwind, thanks for the rating and reply! Also what you've said is exactly what I'm looking for thank you! I do have the files backed up in an archive but the software is all fritzing for now, when I get it all working again ill def implement and try out the changes. Back when I did this song I believe I only had default instrument packages so hopefully the sound quality of everything in general will also improve! Again thank you for your reply and your time :D
I didn't get "Soft and Calm" from this. I heard more of a "Kind and Happy." Less of a Frozen Terrain and more of the Inn at the Snow-Covered City. Still not too shabby either way. P.S. Set it to loop when you submit :) [music - loop] instead of [music - song].
Hmm never thought of it that way, but now that you mention it I do see your point hehe, and thanks, I completely missed that in the audio submission page, I'll not forget that on the next looped upload.
Plan Slowly, Execute Quickly. Don't Think, Just Dance.
The Deep
Joined on 10/6/12